
Welcome to my journey!

Thank you for stopping by to live through this journey with me. I'll be sharing the experiences in this little ride, both good and bad. Pretty and not so much, joyful and depressing. My hope is that I can learn how to be a good pregnant woman and a great mom!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A little late, but Here is this weeks survey.

How far along? 28 weeks!! 12 weeks left!

Total weight gain/loss: probably close to 10 pounds??

Maternity clothes? I still want a swimsuit and shorts.

Stretch marks? I've got some down low that are getting wider and darker :( oh well.

Sleep: It's hit or miss. I get up almost every 2 hours to pee and lately the heartburn is making it a little bit harder to get back to sleep.

Best moment this week: Seeing the hubbs building my dad's fireplace hearth and picking out the flooring for the nursery!!

Movement: Strong strong strong!! Our boy is getting big! He really likes to wiggle his little toes around my ribs!

Food cravings: Popsicles. Pizza. junk food in general!

Gender: BOY!

Labor Signs: Nothing but a braxton hicks every once in a while.

Belly Button in or out? It's very shallow. I feel like it's not going to last much longer.

What I miss: being able to buy a bra from a regular store. ugh.

What I am looking forward to: Ummm, I know it's not for a while, but I'm really excited for my baby shower.

Weekly Wisdom: when you put vanilla ice cream in Vernor's it's not called a vernors float, it's called a "boston cooler" mmmm.....

Milestones: I'm still pretty psyched with THIRD TRIMESTER!

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