
Welcome to my journey!

Thank you for stopping by to live through this journey with me. I'll be sharing the experiences in this little ride, both good and bad. Pretty and not so much, joyful and depressing. My hope is that I can learn how to be a good pregnant woman and a great mom!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

31 weeks, right on time and I could deliver in 6 full weeks!!!

How far along? 31 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: probably 15 pounds including water weight.

Maternity clothes? I'm afraid to say that if I'm not careful, I sometimes have a sliver of belly sticking out from my shirt. I'm not ready for that yet!!

Stretch marks? Calmer this week, but I have a few old ones that are a little darker.

Sleep: I'm still sticking to just about 2 hours at a time.

Best moment this week: Rex moved away from my ribs!!! :) then he moved back :(

Movement: He's pretty much sticking in one position, but kicks and pedals and punches around! ANNNND He's learned how to make his kcik painful!! WONDERFUL!!!

Food cravings: hmmmm, I haven't really had a ton of cravings lately. I've actually been feeling kinda sick again. I'm trying to just keep myself full of luids since it's FINALLY getting warm again.

Gender: BOY!

Labor Signs: Nothing but a braxton hicks every once in a while.

Belly Button in or out? This thing must've been a mile deep because it's still in. I'm not complaining but I fully expected to be out by now.

What I miss: My pool :( We deflated it to clean and now I want it full again.

What I am looking forward to: Getting a foot pump so I can inflate my own pool when it starts to sag. AND MY SHOWER!! I'm getting so excited for my shower it's CRAZY!

Weekly Wisdom: Taking naps=good.

Milestones: My baby is probably almost 4 pounds already!! OMG! He's gonna be here so soon!

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