
Welcome to my journey!

Thank you for stopping by to live through this journey with me. I'll be sharing the experiences in this little ride, both good and bad. Pretty and not so much, joyful and depressing. My hope is that I can learn how to be a good pregnant woman and a great mom!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

WELLLL, It has been a really long time

A lot has happened. Today I'm 16 weeks 3 days pregnant.

My first appointment was memorable. The phlebotomist (blood lady) was a fill-in for the regular one and she was kinda stupid. I had to have several vials drawn for testing and I told her I usually get pretty light headed when I have blood taken and she should recline the chair before she starts. Well, she didn't. So after all the vials had been taken I felt really sick and puked all over the floor of the little lab room. It was funny and embarassing. Then we met with the CNP who was an absolute bitch. I hated her. But she's not the doctor and I really won't have to see her at any other time, so I'm not worried about it. Then, we had an ultrasound to date the pregnancy and we were EXACTLY where we thought we were. 9 Week 6 Days. Baby's first heartbeat reading was 168 BPM. Andy was able to be there and it was a simply magical day.

My second appointment was pretty ho-hum. I went in and she asked if I had any questions I didn't really so she used a dopplar to find baby's hearbeat and it was at 150 BPM. Super healthy. We scheduled our big anatomy ultrasound for March 29. YAY!

I've lost about 16 pounds to date and my doctor is thrilled. I haven't felt much movement yet. A couple of days ago I think I felt somersaults that felt like rubbing against the inside of my uterus. I did have a lot of caffiene that evening so I think that made the burger hyper!! I don't like having that much caffiene so I haven't tried to make it happen again. I figure once he's big and strong enough I'll start feeling him.

We've decided that if the burger is a boy (Which mother's intuition is telling me it is) we'll name him Rex Arthur and if it's a girl she'll be Olivia Paige. We're so excited for the end of March.

I stopped working this week, so hopefully I'll find more time to update this little blog more often!!

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