
Welcome to my journey!

Thank you for stopping by to live through this journey with me. I'll be sharing the experiences in this little ride, both good and bad. Pretty and not so much, joyful and depressing. My hope is that I can learn how to be a good pregnant woman and a great mom!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

31 weeks, right on time and I could deliver in 6 full weeks!!!

How far along? 31 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: probably 15 pounds including water weight.

Maternity clothes? I'm afraid to say that if I'm not careful, I sometimes have a sliver of belly sticking out from my shirt. I'm not ready for that yet!!

Stretch marks? Calmer this week, but I have a few old ones that are a little darker.

Sleep: I'm still sticking to just about 2 hours at a time.

Best moment this week: Rex moved away from my ribs!!! :) then he moved back :(

Movement: He's pretty much sticking in one position, but kicks and pedals and punches around! ANNNND He's learned how to make his kcik painful!! WONDERFUL!!!

Food cravings: hmmmm, I haven't really had a ton of cravings lately. I've actually been feeling kinda sick again. I'm trying to just keep myself full of luids since it's FINALLY getting warm again.

Gender: BOY!

Labor Signs: Nothing but a braxton hicks every once in a while.

Belly Button in or out? This thing must've been a mile deep because it's still in. I'm not complaining but I fully expected to be out by now.

What I miss: My pool :( We deflated it to clean and now I want it full again.

What I am looking forward to: Getting a foot pump so I can inflate my own pool when it starts to sag. AND MY SHOWER!! I'm getting so excited for my shower it's CRAZY!

Weekly Wisdom: Taking naps=good.

Milestones: My baby is probably almost 4 pounds already!! OMG! He's gonna be here so soon!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

30 weeks. (Late again, but I have baby breain so forgive me!!)

How far along? 30 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: Sitting at about 13-15 pounds

Maternity clothes? I don't get dressed when I don't leave the house, but I want some more variety.

Stretch marks? Just the same old ones getting bigger and darker. YAY

Sleep: With Rex's position right now, sometimes I get up every 1/2 hour and sometimes I can sleep for three hours. I'm just going with the flow and napping when I feel like it.

Best moment this week: getting some of the upstairs cleaned so I can make more space for BABY THINGS!!

Movement: He's pretty much sticking in one position, but kicks and pedals and punches around!

Food cravings: Lots and lots of things!!!

Gender: BOY!

Labor Signs: Nothing but a braxton hicks every once in a while.

Belly Button in or out? Getting shallower, but still entirely an innie

What I miss: Hard liquor and shots brah! (I'm sticking with this. I still really miss booze)

What I am looking forward to: Summer to REALLY get here. I am sick of it being 90 then 50 then 70 then 50 again.

Weekly Wisdom: Husbands like it when you shower and shave, even if you don't leave the house!!

Milestones: I've reached 30 weeks!! I'm really going to be having a baby in two months!! That's pretty super exciting!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Our first birthing class...

Will also be our last. LOL

We were very thouroughly bored by the end of the three hours. We feel that for some people it may be helpful to have that experience, but with our personalities and the experiences we've had we didn't feel it would be useful for us to continue going.

We're going to read the material that the instructor gave out together and really just wing it. Women have been having babies for centuries and I'm comfortable with my body's abilities, so I really don't want to waste three more wednesday nights to be convinced of that exact fact.

If you took classes and they were good for you, then power to you, but for me, not so much.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

29 weeks!! OMG I'm really having a baby!!

How far along? 29 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: I'd say 10 ish pounds of actual gain, but I have done some swelling so I think I have some water weight in too, so probably 13 ish pounds??

Maternity clothes? I want more. I am getting bored with my selection and that makes me sad :(

Stretch marks? Nothing new. The old ones are a little sore though, because their stretching out more. :(

Sleep: It's hit or miss. I get up almost every 2 hours to pee and lately the heartburn is making it a little bit harder to get back to sleep. (I'm just leaving this answer this week, it's the entire truth again)

Best moment this week: Sex and the City party with my future Sister in Law!!!

Movement: He's such a wiggle worm, I love to sit and watch him move my belly around!

Food cravings: Popsicles. Pizza. ANNNNND booze. I want a long island like nobody's business. Let's see, three months of pregnancy, and then at least 6 months of breastfeeding before I can reaally drink liquor, so only another YEAR!!! GAHHHH

Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Nothing but a braxton hicks every once in a while.

Belly Button in or out? My belly didn't get too much bigger this week, so the belly button is still just hanging in there.
What I miss: Hard liquor and shots brah!

What I am looking forward to: Still excited for my shower and also for another sunny day to lay in my pool again!!

Weekly Wisdom: When Rex says it's time to pee, it's time to pee. When Rex says it's time to eat, it's time to eat. Rex calls the shots around here!

Milestones: ummm, I could have this baby in 8 weeks!! WHAT!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A little late, but Here is this weeks survey.

How far along? 28 weeks!! 12 weeks left!

Total weight gain/loss: probably close to 10 pounds??

Maternity clothes? I still want a swimsuit and shorts.

Stretch marks? I've got some down low that are getting wider and darker :( oh well.

Sleep: It's hit or miss. I get up almost every 2 hours to pee and lately the heartburn is making it a little bit harder to get back to sleep.

Best moment this week: Seeing the hubbs building my dad's fireplace hearth and picking out the flooring for the nursery!!

Movement: Strong strong strong!! Our boy is getting big! He really likes to wiggle his little toes around my ribs!

Food cravings: Popsicles. Pizza. junk food in general!

Gender: BOY!

Labor Signs: Nothing but a braxton hicks every once in a while.

Belly Button in or out? It's very shallow. I feel like it's not going to last much longer.

What I miss: being able to buy a bra from a regular store. ugh.

What I am looking forward to: Ummm, I know it's not for a while, but I'm really excited for my baby shower.

Weekly Wisdom: when you put vanilla ice cream in Vernor's it's not called a vernors float, it's called a "boston cooler" mmmm.....

Milestones: I'm still pretty psyched with THIRD TRIMESTER!