
Welcome to my journey!

Thank you for stopping by to live through this journey with me. I'll be sharing the experiences in this little ride, both good and bad. Pretty and not so much, joyful and depressing. My hope is that I can learn how to be a good pregnant woman and a great mom!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Week 23 survey. Maybe I'll start posting photos of the belly soon.

How far along? 23 weeks!!

Total weight gain/loss: I'm still at a net loss of about 5 pounds.

Maternity clothes?I got a couple of skirts, shirts and tank tops and a maxi dress to get me through most of summer, also a pair of jeans

Stretch marks? I haven't noticed any .new ones yet

Sleep: I wake up at least twice a night to pee.

Best moment this week: ummmm, Today I was able too feel baby kick from the outside of my belly too.

Movement: kicks,punches, and rolls all throughout the day. I was able to feel one from the outside today!

Food cravings: Everything it seems. Mostly I think salty and sweet.

Gender: BOY!

Labor Signs: Nothing. Thank goodness!

Belly Button in or out? still in.

What I miss: Being able to bend over and breathe at the same time.

What I am looking forward to: Andy being able to feel Rex kicking.

Weekly Wisdom: Allergies and a happy mommy do not mix well.

Milestones: Well, baby should weigh at least a pound by now! That's really cool!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Just a vent...I'm a young mom if you don't like it, I DON'T CARE!

So lately there has been some drama on a web forum I participate in concerning a young woman who at age 19 has gotten pregnant and is making decisions on how she'd like her birth to go. A lot of people don't agree with her decision (Something to do with she'd like her boyfriend to catch the baby at the hospital when she delivers. Apparently the boyfriend is a farmer and has helped birth animals and she thinks it would be special if he caught the baby. Whatever. It's not my style, but I'll hardly judge her for that.) BUT what is getting me angry is that SO MANY people are critisizing her for being 19 and pregnant.

I'm 22. I'm pregnant. I TRIED to get pregnant. If I had my way this child would have been born 5 months ago! Am I ready to be a mother? As ready as I'll ever be. Do I know all the answers? No. Will I learn the same as any first time mother? Yes! I have no desire to go to college, get numerous degrees, have a powerful career, or anything other than BE A MOTHER. Now I get to do that for the rest of my life.

I understand why some women would decide to wait to have children. If they didn't find their husband until later, then why would they have children. If they truly wanted to explore their career options, then they should do that first. If a couple is focused on exploring the world then they should do that. It's all about priorities. I'd never say a woman is "stupid" for having a child in their 30's, so why would a woman in her 30's say that to me?

While I was trying to get pregnant I got MANY MANY comments of, "You're so young, you have plenty of time. Don't rush things. You have so much life ahead of you. Take your time" and every single one of those people were older than me. I never once had someone my age say, "WOAH you shouldn't have a child." I never had any of my family and friends say "I don't think you're ready to have kids."

Why do these older strangers think they know better for me than I do? Why is it that their "experience" is a license for them to insult me as a mature adult who has been making her own decisions for 5 plus years and making it just fine. I understand someone asking my motives to find out why I want a child to make a judgement. But for a 30-40-50-60 year old woman or man to just say, "You have so much life ahead of you, don't worry about that right now" is simply insulting. You don't know how much life I have anymore than I do. And If I live a nice long life, I'd rather live that life being a mother, grandmother, great grandmother than regret waiting because I'll never get a chance to know and have a real relationship with those following generations!

So yes, I'm 22. I'm pregnant. I'm married to the man I will be with for the rest of my life. I have a 30 year fixed rate mortgage on the house I'd like to live in until I die or my kids ship me off to a luxury community in Florida to live out my old age! ;) My life is as together as it's going to get. and I'm HAPPY. That's the important thing, isn't it?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Pretty good vacation!

Well, We are back from vacation and getting back into regular life. Hubbs is back to getting some work done and I'm back to doing almost nothing. LOL. I'll give a little re-cap of our vacation for you today.

We left Friday the 9th at about 9 in the morning. We realized we didn't have the registration for the car so we decided we'd stop at a SOS on the way to grab a copy so we wouldn't run into any issues during the drive. Well, stupid maps on my IPhone got us turned the entire wrong direction so it took half an hour to get back to where we wanted to be. We got gas and asked directions and Hubbs was completely correct in his guess as to where the office was. Once we got there he was in and out in a minute and a half.

The rest of the drive down was fantabulous. We felt good the entire time, we never got over-exhausted and we really enjoyed each others company. Andy drove all but about 2 hours. We really enjoyed spending time together and we laughed SO much, which is wonderful. We made great time and showed up at my sisters EARLY on Saturday morning. About 7:30 or 8ish.

When we got to Kelly's the kids were up and ready to give us a nice long day full of activity. We hung out at the house and got settled and then headed over to Downtown Disney. We didn't do any of the parks in Disney because we're cheap and I couldn't enjoy the rides anyway. We had fun though walking around and taking pictures and looking at the little stores. When we got sick of Disney we headed back to Kelly's with a quick stop at Target to grab some beer for Andy to enjoy by the pool and some sunscreen because our tube was almost gone! We spent a couple of hours at the pool and we had an absolutely AMAZING time. Andy taught my oldest niece Paige how to snorkel and she LOVED it. He also terrorized my nephews thouroughly, which ended up being HILARIOUS. I wish I'd had the video camera ready. Lexa enjoyed spending time with her Aunt Sassy a lot and we hung out on the chairs by the pool a lot.

After hanging out at the pool Andy and I decided that we were pretty exhausted so we headed to our hotel with some tearful goodbyes to the family. The hotel was really nice for 50 a night! If you ever need a hotel in Orlando area check out the Champions Resort. It's a Howard Johnson resort and it was great. We left the next day and headed to Miami. That was a pretty plain drive down the Florida Turnpike. For about $20 I would recommend takinng the turnpike. It is much less busy and so traffic moves very fast.

We got to the Midtown Inn in Miami and it was raining so we really didn't have a chance to do anything. We drove around a little just to see the downtown area, drove to the islands and looked at the ships that were still in port and just checked things out in general. Then we headed back to the hotel to relax and crash for the night. In the morning we parked the car in the hotels secure lot and grabbed the shuttle to the port to get on the Carnival Imagination.

We were on the ship VERY early and our rooms weren't ready until after 1:30pm. We had some lunch and sort of hung out and wandered around the ship until it was time to get to our rooms. It was raining and yucky so there wasn't a whole lot we could enjoy. That's pretty much the theme of the cruise. That night was pretty uneventful, we set sail around 4 and headed down to Key West.

Let me just say, WE LOVE KEY WEST! We had such a great day on the Island. I wish we had more time there to really see things, but we've decided our next vacation will definately be to Key West for a couple of days to enjoy the Museums and culture and everything! We just walked around mostly. We found Captain Tony's Saloon and Andy was thrilled to have a beer in the same place the Jimmy Buffett has. He took pictures of the wall with news clips of his performances and Captian Tony's mayoral story. We got back on the ship and had a regular evening. We enjoyed a nap and dinner and a show that evening. We really had a great time that day.

The next morning we slept in like crazy! We weren't scheduled to arrice in Cozumel until 1 and because of bad weather we were about 30 minutes late. We weren't concerned and when we felt rested we went up and had some breakfast and sort of leisured around until lunch time. After lunch it was time to go ashore so we did and grabbed a cab to Paradise Beach. We enjoyed hot humid weather for about 2 hours. Andy Snorkeled a lot and I snorkeled a little and then it started thundering and lightning. We decided to head downtown so we grabbed another cab. We didn't realize "downtown" was Punta Lagosta which is where we docked last time. We weren't very impressed so we decided to walk back down to the port. Well it started POURING on our way and we were getting wet and cold and tired. We found a tiny little bar called Alberto's where we got out of the rain for a few minutes. The people there were amazing. So friendly and helpful. When we first sat down and got our drinks (bottled water for me and a corona for Andy) the server grabbed some paper towel and wiped down my arms and neck to dry me off and then did the same for the Hubbs. It's was really sweet and cute. Then after we were done he offered to go out into the rain and grab a cab for us back to the port. When a cab wasn't stopping for us the woman who was behind the bar tossed the guy her keys and offered to drive us to the port!! It was amazing and so nice. Just then a cab pulled up so we grabbed that instead of putting them out of their way, but we will really remember them from now on. When we got to port we did some shopping at the little shops in the port area and I found a gorgeous pink sapphire and silver ring that I haggled from 225 down to 50!! YAY ME! When we got back to the ship it was still pouring so we just went to the cabin to get warm and dry and rest up for a little bit. The weather was crap for the rest of the evening and when we finally left port the seas were rough.

The whole night I was feeling sick so I mostly hung out in bed watching tv, because if I was up and about I felt really sick. That trend followed to the next day. We had really rough seas and the weather was cloudy and not very warm. A lot of people were by the pool when it wasn't raining and when it was kinda nice out we couldn't find a chair anywhere to relax. It was a VERY boring day because there really wasn't much going on to do inside. We watched a lot of TV and napped and were very very bored.

We were really glad to get up the next morning and be off the ship. We went for breakfast then headed off the ship and were on the road by about 9:30. We drove 28 hours straight and got home about 12 ish on Saturday.

Overall, we definately enjoyed the vacation as a whole, but after our third cruise we've decided to stop cruising for a while because we simply can't find enough things to occupy our time while we're on the ship. But we're really looking forward to a vacation in the Keys and we're so glad we were able to spend this time together just the two of us before we become a big family of 3!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Pamper Mommy day!

So I'm going in today to get my nails did. LOL I'm getting a mani-pedi with my FAVORITE tech in the whole wide world this afternoon. Then I'm coming home and doing my hair (yes, I still dye my hair, I believe in the school that's it's fine since I don't have the dye on for hours at a time.)

It will be nice to not feel icky when I'm wearing sandals out. The weather has been wonderful lately and I have been avoiding the flip flops because my toes are so beat up. Plus, since we LEAVE ON FRIDAY for our exciting babymoon adventure I figure now's the perfect time to indulge in a mani pedi and be all ready for the yummy warm tropical weather. Speaking of which. I put on one of my one-pieces from the last couple of years and it will be just good enough for the cruise to fit over my belly. I'm not huge yet, but I'm showing so I was worried that I may not be able to wear it! I don't have any other suits that fit so it;s good that this one will get me through. Looks like I'm not QUITE set for summer. LOL

This pregnancy has been treating me much better in the last several weeks and I'm so glad. Rex is finally behaving himself. I hope he continues that trend for a while!

ALSO, we got a highchair from my mother in law yesterday. It's the same highchair that Andy and all of the boys used when they were young'ins. So now we have the same table and the same highchair that Daddy had growing up. It's so nice to be able to continue their lives!

This week has only started and IT'S AMAZING!!!

Check out my links page

I have links to some interesting blogs, my totsite wich gives updates about my pregnancy and lots of pictures and my registries.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


How far along? 20 WEEKS!!! HALFWAY THERE!!!!

Total weight gain/loss: sitting at a loss of about 13 pounds total. So in the last couple of weeks I've gained about 3 lbs.

Maternity clothes? I ordered a bunch from Old Navy that should be here this week. I have no clue if they'll fit yet, but I'll be prepared for the rest of the summer!!

Stretch marks? Nothing new that I've noticed.

Sleep: I'm up at least once a night to pee, but I'm sleeping well otherwise.
Best moment this week: I POPPED. I actually look pregnant instead of fat.

Movement: sporatic kicks and somersaults!

Food cravings: all kinds. But the Subway I was craving didn't agree with my tummy, so we're staying away from that from now on.


Labor Signs: Absolutely nothing, thank goodness!!

Belly Button in or out? still in.

What I miss: my back and hips feeling normal. So I suppose I miss walking and sitting and standing.

What I am looking forward to: LEAVING FOR OUR CRUISE ON FRIDAY!!!

Weekly Wisdom: Don't eat subway. It makes the baby Angry.

Milestones: Half baked today!