
Welcome to my journey!

Thank you for stopping by to live through this journey with me. I'll be sharing the experiences in this little ride, both good and bad. Pretty and not so much, joyful and depressing. My hope is that I can learn how to be a good pregnant woman and a great mom!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Birth Story!

My birth story kinda starts on Wednesday, August 11. I thought I had a high rupture of my membranes and had leaking amniotic fluid. I decided to go to the hospital that night around 10 PM and get the fluid checked out. My husband and I were there for two hours and after testing the fluid the doctors concluded that I had NOT ruptured my membranes. When we finally got home and in bed it was about 1 in the morning on Thursday, August 12.

On Thursday I was so tired that when I finally woke up I went to the bathroom and then went straight back to bed. As I turned over a little I noticed a little trickle of dampness that I thought was just a little bit of urine that leaked, so I turned more to grab some tissue off my nightstand. As I grabbed the tissue I had a huge gush of fluid. That time I KNEW that my water had broken!

Of course, I called everyone and went straight to the hospital. I drove myself to the hospital (Andy had gone to work with his dad so his dad drove him to the hospital, since it was almost directly in the middle of our house and the job DH was working on) and I got to triage at about 12. I sat around triage for a couple of hours just waiting for a room to be cleaned and opened up and for everything to get settled. I didn’t actually start having noticeable contractions (IE early labor) until 5 PM, but once that hit, things really went pretty quickly. When contractions started hurting I got into a Jacuzzi tub to relax. That helped for about 5 contractions (which were steady at 2-3 minutes apart and getting stronger) then I felt like it wasn’t helping and I was done hurting so I got some Nubain and relaxed again for a few minutes. When I got the nubain I was 5 CM dilated. By the time I was allowed to get more drugs (the epidural I was craving!!) I had progressed to 8-9 cm dilated! Not much longer after that I was dilated to 10 with a small amount of cervix left. My nurse told me to call her when I felt like I really needed to push, so I followed her instructions and at about 2:00 AM I had to push. I pushed for an hour and a half and Rex Arthur was born at 3:25 AM on Friday the 13th! Overall my real labor was about 10 ½ hours long from when I first started feeling contractions to the time Rex was born.

He was 8 pounds 6.3 ounces and 20 inches long. He was a big boy, and I have a sustained a tad bit of damage because of it, but it was so worth it. He is the sweetest little thing a person could ask for.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

31 weeks, right on time and I could deliver in 6 full weeks!!!

How far along? 31 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: probably 15 pounds including water weight.

Maternity clothes? I'm afraid to say that if I'm not careful, I sometimes have a sliver of belly sticking out from my shirt. I'm not ready for that yet!!

Stretch marks? Calmer this week, but I have a few old ones that are a little darker.

Sleep: I'm still sticking to just about 2 hours at a time.

Best moment this week: Rex moved away from my ribs!!! :) then he moved back :(

Movement: He's pretty much sticking in one position, but kicks and pedals and punches around! ANNNND He's learned how to make his kcik painful!! WONDERFUL!!!

Food cravings: hmmmm, I haven't really had a ton of cravings lately. I've actually been feeling kinda sick again. I'm trying to just keep myself full of luids since it's FINALLY getting warm again.

Gender: BOY!

Labor Signs: Nothing but a braxton hicks every once in a while.

Belly Button in or out? This thing must've been a mile deep because it's still in. I'm not complaining but I fully expected to be out by now.

What I miss: My pool :( We deflated it to clean and now I want it full again.

What I am looking forward to: Getting a foot pump so I can inflate my own pool when it starts to sag. AND MY SHOWER!! I'm getting so excited for my shower it's CRAZY!

Weekly Wisdom: Taking naps=good.

Milestones: My baby is probably almost 4 pounds already!! OMG! He's gonna be here so soon!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

30 weeks. (Late again, but I have baby breain so forgive me!!)

How far along? 30 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: Sitting at about 13-15 pounds

Maternity clothes? I don't get dressed when I don't leave the house, but I want some more variety.

Stretch marks? Just the same old ones getting bigger and darker. YAY

Sleep: With Rex's position right now, sometimes I get up every 1/2 hour and sometimes I can sleep for three hours. I'm just going with the flow and napping when I feel like it.

Best moment this week: getting some of the upstairs cleaned so I can make more space for BABY THINGS!!

Movement: He's pretty much sticking in one position, but kicks and pedals and punches around!

Food cravings: Lots and lots of things!!!

Gender: BOY!

Labor Signs: Nothing but a braxton hicks every once in a while.

Belly Button in or out? Getting shallower, but still entirely an innie

What I miss: Hard liquor and shots brah! (I'm sticking with this. I still really miss booze)

What I am looking forward to: Summer to REALLY get here. I am sick of it being 90 then 50 then 70 then 50 again.

Weekly Wisdom: Husbands like it when you shower and shave, even if you don't leave the house!!

Milestones: I've reached 30 weeks!! I'm really going to be having a baby in two months!! That's pretty super exciting!